Dangerous Goods • Decoded
DG Trainer specialises in dangerous goods compliance training
which covers transport (air, sea, road and rail) as well as storage and handling in Australia.
Some of the courses are certified by regulatory bodies such as
CASA and AMSA, other courses are aligned with the
relevant DG regulations and/or standards.
Start Your Journey to Dangerous Goods Compliance Today!
Explore our flexible learning formats
Training can be delivered through self-paced e-learning, online instructor-led sessions
or in person face to face classrooms.

Self-Paced eLearning Courses
- Delivered by our modern eLearning platform
- Learn at your own pace
- Undertaken when and where it suits you best
- Pause and return to course as needed
- Access to expert support available

Online Instructor-Led Courses
- Delivered online via Zoom
- Led by an industry expert
- Real-time interaction
- Flexible accessibility
- Immersive virtual environment
- Great networking opportunities
- Access to comprehensive resources

In-Person Face to Face Classrooms
- Highly interactive approach
- Distraction-free environment
- Led by an industry expert
- Ask questions and engage with your peers
- Great networking opportunity
- Access to comprehensive resources

Dedicated Classroom Training
- Ideal for organisations with multiple learners
- Share the learning experience with your colleagues
- Conveniently held at your own premises
- Led by an industry expert
- Most configurable delivery approach
- Access to comprehensive resources
Ready to get certified?
Get certified now to ship, accept, store or handling dangerous goods.
Check our schedule to see upcoming courses
Ensure that you and your team are competent and
confident when working with dangerous goods
What are Dangerous Goods? You need to know!
Dangerous goods or a hazardous chemical? Do you know how to
identify the relevant class or more importantly, how they should
be stored, handled and transported?
Many DG’s have similar labels and if you are not familiar with the
correct handling of these products, you won’t know the risks and
hazards. Our courses start with general DG awareness, then build on
your knowledge about storage and handling of DG’s, continuing right
through to comprehensive training on the transport of DG’s by air.
Hear what our customers
have to say about DGTrainer
Overall (the Dangerous Goods Awareness
course) is very well set up, easy to follow and lot
of work has been put into this behind the scenes.
Yes I will recommend to others in industry to do
the same courses, well done to all there.
David Shelley
Warehouse Manager, Freight Forwarding,
Geodis Australia
DG Transportation for Shippers Infectious
Substance and Biological Specimens – thanks
very much, part of my day will be spent finishing
the final part of this excellent course! Very clearly
explained use of all the brilliant features.
Dr Elysia Hollams
PHD, Project & Laboratory Coordinator, Systems
Vaccinology team, Telethon Kids Insititute
DG Trainer Blogs
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